Monday, March 10, 2008

Wonderland 1

the Morning after Daylight Savings 2008: Green Tea with PDN Magazine, Shutterbug and The Roanoke Times.
Day off...pushing up mountains on the treadmill, a few crunches and situps, a few minutes in a steam room and sauna at the Y. Pushed the vacuum through the house. Listened to my children read Dr. Seuss books...."The Sneetches" is about discrimination. It's pretty deep. It's an awesome story. It could be about tattooes or the color of our skin or a variety of characteristics that make us different but, basically, the same.
"Too Many Daves" is just hilarious...and fun to read because of all the ridiculous names listed. Dr. Seuss books are so creative for the mind, so enchanting and carefree. I aspire to be more like Theodor Geisel, Dr. Seuss....more whimsical.

Graded students black & white negatives and contact sheets from Photo 101 at Virginia Western. I love the fresh eye of the new photographer. It's inspiring in its naivete. Also, students at a community college come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences and definitely offer a different perspective on the world. None of them are photojournalists or artists. Some of them don't know what they want to do in life. They're still exploring. That's the best part!

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